Inspire Manak Awards

We are thrilled to announce that our very own Rajit Kumar Jha and Mayank Kumar have been selected for the prestigious ‘INSPIRE MANAK AWARDS’ in their respective fields of Science and AI.
Rajit Kumar Jha and Mayank Kumar our talented students from Class 9, have proven their unwavering commitment to the world of Science and AI. Their incredible achievements and passion for discovery inspire us all. Let’s applaud their dedication, perseverance, and the milestone they have achieved while representing Kundan International School.
These outstanding students embody the spirit of inspiration, resilience, and pushing boundaries. Their achievements remind us that with dedication, hard work, and a thirst for knowledge, no dream is too big to accomplish.
Join us in showering Rajit and Mayank with appreciation, and let’s celebrate their success as a testament to the excellence that our school fosters in every student.